Tuesday, April 07, 2009


The good news is I've stopped hobbling. Thank goodness we only play masters footy games every three weeks!!
Can't let the weekend pass without reporting that Geelong won again, albeit after a scare from Richmond and by a margin of only 20 points, but they won all the same.
I was cruising the garage sales and listening to the game on the radio but when it got close I decided to go and watch the last quarter at the pub. Steve Johnson turned it on with three goals to right the rocky boat.

This is the last week of school before Easter and the school holidays. The term has been busy and passed quickly. I'm looking forward to the break, especially to the second week when Cameron and I are running a chaplains retreat here in Busselton. There'll be about 15 people coming which is a pretty good number and we've got some great things planned.
I also plan to get some more painting done, with the aim of getting ready for an exhibition!!!

Over the wekend I helped Sport Boy prepare and practice a speech on "Argentina" which he had to give at school today. He volunteered to go first and obviously did a good job because the teacher said it was "outstanding, and that he had obviously put a lot of work into preparing it"!
Good job Sport Boy.

Meanwhile, a blog name change may be in the offing for The Hair! More on this breaking news tomorrow.
Oh, and tomorrow night is Scrabble Club night! I've been practising on the computer and I'm out for redemption! I made EQUALITY on a triple word score tonight for 113 points!! Look out ladies!!

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