Monday, June 11, 2007

The Cats are Number 1!

I know there's a few Holt Press readers who switch off when I start talking about football, in fact I know there's one who clicks Next Blog at the mere mention of anything about any sport at all, but I just have to say The Cats won their 6th game in a row today in a very hard-fought contest with the Adelaide Crows at Football Park in Adelaide and now sit at the top of the AFL Ladder at the half-way mark of the season.
That is good, I'm a happy little blogger!

I went driving with Favourite Daughter this afternoon and she clocked up another 3 1/2 hours in her log book. (She needs 25 in total of supervised driving). We went down Caves Road and discovered a beautiful place called Karriview Lodge, somewhere to go if you win Lotto. I don't play Lotto so it's unlikely I'll get there, but it was nice to see a glimpse of how the other half live. Next stop was Moses Rock where I confused a tourist by asking which way the McDonalds was? She looked genuinely confused!

A funny thing happened in Dunsborough on the way home. We pulled up outside the Big Pig Pizza Shop and as FD turned the engine off, all the lights in Dunsborough went off! I'm not suggesting there was a connection but it was certainly strange to be plunged into the darkness of a blackout at the very moment she turned the key off.

But wait, there's more, the strangeness did not end there.

We adjourned to the public toilets for a necessary break then returned to the car, forgoing the idea of pizza which I was fairly sure could not be cooked by torch light. FD got in the car, turned the key to start the motor, and I kid you not, all the lights in Dunsborough came back on!!
True story!

So, we got out of the car and ordered a couple of pizzas while our luck held!

1 comment:

Zaac said...

Car'n the Cats! I'd feel far more secure if it was nearer the end of the season and there was less time for them to blow it, but still.. I love surreal moments like that, none come to mind at the minute but there have been some great ones! Had a bit of a crazy weekend, was good though, might post about it if I'm still awake in half an hour.