Sunday, November 19, 2006

Portrait of a Lady pt 2

I've manged to convince Picasa to do what I want it to do and here is the collage in a slightly condensed version (9 images rather than 16).
John painted with flamboyant flourishes, appearing at times to be fencing with the canvas, lunging in for some deft broad strokes then retreating to examine the result before thrusting his brush toward the canvas again. In the mean time I was chatting with his wife Sue as we talked about painting and I showed her a couple of my recent pictures on the camera memory. She liked my geometric abstracts and encouraged me to stick with them.
They live in Bridgetown, where Mum and Walter live, and gave us their card and phone number and invited us to come and visit next time we're in town. We were both struck by what lovely people they were and are sure to take up their invitation.
At one stage Sue reminded John that there was another man waiting to get his protrait done to which he replied, "Yes, I know, but I'm not going to be rushed into finishing this".

Afterwards we sat out in the garden as Carolyn finished her wine and cheese platter.

We drove back to Cowaramup to get Sport Boy something to eat but could find nothing satisfactory there (to suit the taste of a 9 year old that is! there were gourmet cafes and a festival happening complete with James Reyne performing, but he wanted McDonalds!)
As a reward for his patience we picked up the other two kids on our way through town and duly adjourned to the golden arches for dinner! Talk about a culture shift! Mind you, with their new improved menu the experience wasn't quite so shocking as it could have been, Carolyn and I had Chicken Caesar Deli Choice rolls, and to my great surprise, so too did Jordan! Posted by Picasa


The Heir said...

dont know if you realised but you didnt post a full size photo of the portrait so we can get a proper look at it. what i can see looks cool, its nice, not what you'd expect but still nice. say hi to mum for me and i still need to call you guys sometime. would you be around tomorow nite my time?? probably early monday morning ur time

Peter said...

We need to see the portrait itself but Carolyn looks very much like your cousin Kathy in the montage shot Marcus.